News, articles, and reviews. The experts guide to the best CBD products and brands in the UK.
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Our top 4 ways to take CBD
There are numerous easy ways to introduce CBD into your daily life. From consuming it orally via oils, drinks, gummies or edibles to using topicals that target certain areas when absorbed into the skin. Each method exists to satisfy the particular needs of the individual consumer.

What is CBG and its potential benefits?
CBG stands for cannabigerol. CBG is not a common cannabinoid, large quantities are not found within the cannabis plant. CBG is the precursor to CBD, CBC, and THC. It is sometimes referred to as the stem cell. But what are its benefits and how does it differ from CBD?

What is a carrier oil and why is it important?
Many people find the taste of CBD unpalatable, which is why some CBD oils and sprays contain added flavours. Carrier oils dilute another natural oil or substance, making the latter easier for your body to ingest. However, it is not just CBD that uses carrier oils to make the oil more digestible.

Does CBD oil expire? 5 top tips on shelf life
CBD oil is a very shelf-stable product, with a shelf life often for between 12-24 months if kept in the right conditions. However, CBD oil will eventually go off so there are several things you can do to ensure the longest shelf.

How could Brexit affect the UK CBD industry
The UK will be leaving the EU at 11.59pm on the 31st December 2020. We will discuss the effect of leaving the EU on the CBD industry in the UK and how the face of the CBD business may change forever as a result.

Top CBD presents for Christmas
Christmas, or any other celebration you have coming up is the perfect opportunity to introduce your friends and family to CBD. We will recommend something for everyone. From big CBD bundles to stocking fillers we have a deal for all.

Could CBD help dementia sufferers?
We are living in a time where the ageing population is growing steadily. The number of adults over the age of 70 years old is expected to grow significantly in the coming years. We will look at some of the reasons why CBD could be used for conditions such as dementia.

Could CBD help maintain our cholesterol levels?
Cholesterol is often a word that is associated with cardiovascular and heart disease. Out of fear of developing a disease due to high cholesterol many people are taking medication with unwanted side effects. We discuss whether CBD could be useful in lowering cholesterol and why.

Can you mix CBD with alcohol?
We discuss whether you can safely mix alcohol and CBD and whether CBD can actually be beneficial in our favourite drinks. We also share our favourite CBD mocktails and cocktail recipes.

What are Terpenes and how do they affect us?
You may keep on reading about Terpenes….but what exactly is a Terpene? In this article we will burst the bubble on Terpenes and explain exactly what they are, their relationship with CBD and how they effect us. From why CBD can have that distinctive earthy and nutty taste to the lemon and citrus flavours. We will explain why.

CBD for pets. How CBD can help our furry friends
In the UK, CBD oil products specifically designed for pets are illegal. However, there is some good news to ensure our pets can benefit from CBD oil in the UK too. Under regulation brought in by the VMD (Veterinary Medicines Directorate), vets are now allowed to prescribe ‘human’ CBD oil products to animals.

Craziest CBD products from around the world
CBD is taking the world by storm. At both ends of the spectrum…..from the NHS approving CBD based medicines to Kim Kardashian hosting a CBD themed baby shower! We look at our favourites from CBD Houmous to CBD toothpicks and even CBD infused bedding

Top 5 reasons why CBD could help your golfing game
Since CBD oil was removed from the banned substance list in the USA back in 2018 more and more top golfing players are turning to CBD. But why? Here are our top five reason why CBD could better your game.

What is all the buzz about CBD skincare?
The beauty industry’s obsession with CBD is not showing any signs of slowing down. CBD has been hailed as a “miracle cure” in skin and body treatments. From reducing signs of aging, managing eczema to it's moisturising qualities, CBD oil can play an essential role in your skin care regime.

CBD v THC what is the difference?
How do CBD and THC differ and what do they have in common? We have put together a summary of the similarities and differences and how both are used to help treat certain conditions. Read on to learn more about the compounds.
All your CBD questions answered

Does CBD make you high?
No, CBD does not make you high. Since CBD does not contain any of the psychoactive substances Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) does it 100% cannot make you feel high. While CBD does not make you high, many people who use CBD report feeling more relaxed when using CBD. Everyone will react differently to CBD, this is why it is important to build up your tolerance over time. For a go a to guide on how much CBD you should be taking and how check out our ‘How To Take CBD’ page.

How long does CBD take to work?
How long it takes for CBD to be processed within your body and to ‘work’ will depend on your choice of CBD product and how you chose to take it. By using CBD oil drops, you may start to feel the benefits within 1 to 3 hours. Gummies and capsules may take a little longer, between 1 - 6 hours and Topicals are slow releasing and will target the area over a long period of time. Once CBD enters your body, it needs to interact with proteins in your body and central nervous system for the effects to be felt.

What does CBD stand for?
CBD stands for cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is one of the many cannabinoids or chemical compounds found in the Hemp plant. There are over a know 113 cannabinoids, and CBD is just one of them. Legally CBD must contain less than 0.2% to be legally sold within the UK. For many, CBD oil can offer benefits for your mind and body without unwanted psychoactive effects. This makes CBD oil a great option for users who are looking to reduce stress, pain, inflammation, insomnia, and much more while enjoying clear-headed results.

Does CBD show up in a drugs test?
CBD shouldn’t show up on a drug test. Since most CBD oil contains trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, this could potentially show up on a drug test. All CBD products in the UK should legally only contain less than 0.2% THC. It is incredibly important to only buy CBD from trusted brands that are able to provide third-party lab reports to prove this level is correct.

What is the difference between Hemp seed oil and CBD oil?
Hemp seed oil and CBD oil are both derived from the cannabis plant. However, CBD oil comes from the leaves, stems, and flowers of the plant while hemp seed oil only uses extract from the seeds of the plant. Products that contain hemp seeds and CBD oils do not cause a high as the level of THC in products in the UK must legally fall below 0.2%.

Is CBD legal in the UK?
CBD is legal in the UK, however, UK law states that CBD products have to meet certain criteria to be lawfully available for human consumption. CBD oil must not contain more than 0.2% THC to be legally sold in the UK. It is the THC that is present in the cannabis plant, that CBD is extracted from, that gets you high. The level of THC that is found in CBD will not get you high. Most CBD oils are sold as food supplements.

What is CBD used for?
Legally no health claims can be made in regards to the benefits of CBD. However, CBD is most commonly used to help alleviate anxiety, and for people who suffer from insomnia, anxiety, and depression, chronic pain, arthritis, or joint pain, migraines, psoriasis, and acne. CBD can be a great alternative to prescription medicine as it bears few side effects. For more info on the potential benefits of CBD have a look at our ‘Benefits of CBD’ page.

What does CBD taste like?
In its natural state CBD oil tastes nutty, earthy, or grass-like. CBD is produced using the leave, stem, and flowers of the hemp plant (Cannabis Sativa) hence the natural taste. If the natural taste is not to your liking, there are numerous flavours of CBD Oils and CBD gummies now available. Whether it be added natural terpenes to give the CBD oil and natural lemony taste to less natural flavours giving the oil and sweeter taste such as watermelon or strawberry.

How to take CBD
Administering your daily dose of CBD is really easy and can be done in a number of simple ways. The most common is CBD oil tinctures and this is done by dropping your required amount under your tongue and leaving it there to absorb (at least a few minutes). Gummies or capsules are an alternative option, Vapes and CBD edibles are also growing in popularity. For more info on how to use CBD have a look at our How To Take CBD page